PATENT TRANSLATIONJapanese and English patent translation by Samurai TranslatorsPatents follow very
rules and we at Samurai Translators understand this. The translation of
patents must be 100% accurate or else all work has the potential to be
lost and
lawsuits could possibly be brought forth against you. Samurai
translates patents in all fields and has never mistranslated documents
may have potentially caused trouble for our clients. We have a few translators
experienced with patent translations, but with very large ongoing
projects we do have several freelance translators that we call upon
when needed. For our patent translation service we can only offer the
translations of the English and Japanese languages. For any Japanese
patent you may want translated or English patent you would like
translated in order to submit it to the Japanese patent office, we are
confident you will not be disappointed with our patent translation work. Feel free to contact us for any further patent translation related questions you may have.
Proofreading requests are also available.
Types of patent documents Samurai Translators is able to translateBiological patents, software patents, business method patents chemical patents, intellectual property rights, and industrial design rights. Operating successfully for over 8 years: Samurai Translators |